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Driving without a license

driving without a license

what you should know:

A driver's license of the right class is required to drive a vehicle. However, this does not always apply everywhere. During driving lessons, for example, you may of course drive on the road with your instructor without a license with impunity. In other circumstances, however, driving without a license is a dangerous criminal offense. But what exactly is meant by this and what are the penalties if you are caught driving without a license?

  • What is the difference between driving without a license and driving without a license?
  • Basically, the driver's license is a document that proves that and which vehicles you are allowed to drive. You must always have it with you when you drive, so that you can show it in the event of a check. A driver's license, on the other hand, is the legal authorization to drive a vehicle. You have it if you have passed the driving test for the vehicle class and it has not been withdrawn from you later

    Driving without a driving license therefore only means that you cannot show a driving license at the checkpoint. If you have only misplaced it or forgotten it, it remains so. Driving without a license is when:- you have never taken a driving test,- your license has been revoked,- you have been banned from driving for some other reason,- your license is not valid for the class of vehicle you are driving. The last point is for example the case if you drive a motorcycle with a class B license. However, it also applies if you have a license for class A1 and the motorcycle requires class A2.

  • Which vehicles can be driven with a class B driver's license?
  • With the classic class B driver's license, you can drive vehicles with which you can transport a maximum of eight people (including yourself) and whose maximum total weight does not exceed 3.5 tons. In addition, the license is also valid for class AM, mopeds. Sometimes class L, agricultural and forestry machines, is also included. However, you should check this before driving the tractor.

    In addition, you may drive with the driver's license with trailers that weigh less than 750 kg. This also applies if a higher total weight is permitted for the trailer, as long as you do not load it to more than 750 kg. For heavier trailers you need either class BE, B96 or a class C license.

    For a motorized two-wheeler heavier than a simple moped, you need a class A license, or A1 or A2 depending on the weight. A vehicle designed to carry more than eight people, such as a bus, can only be driven with a class D license.

  • Driving without a license: What are the penalties?
  • In Germany, driving without a license carries a fine of 10.00 EUR. As long as you have your driver's license, forgetting to provide proof is only a misdemeanor. Abroad, however, it can be much more expensive. There it is not possible to quickly and easily check your statement that you have a driving license. Driving without a license is a criminal offense. There is at least a high fine for this. The amount depends on the severity of the offense and your financial situation, but always painful. It can also be that you have to go to jail for up to one year! In addition, the judge may impose a temporary driving ban. This means, for example, that after driving a car without a class B license, you are not allowed to drive a motorcycle for a while, even if you have a class A license. By the way, the penalties do not only threaten those who drive without a license. Also who makes a vehicle available to an unauthorized driver makes himself punishable!

  • Do I have to undergo an MPU after driving without a license?
  • The Medical Psychological Examination is usually required in cases of suspected alcoholism or drug addiction. However, it may also be required if you are suspected of other offenses that might make you unsafe to drive a car or ride a motorcycle. Such an offense can also be driving without a license. However, the MPU is not an automatic consequence of driving without a license.

  • Get your driver's license now!
  • So check which driver's license you need and sign up for the right course right now. It will cost you money, but it's a lot cheaper than the fine you'll face if you're caught driving without the right permit.