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Car driving licence
driving licence at 17

Car driving licence at the age of 17

the accompanying driving - BF 17.
Sounds great, and it is. But only with an escort and a sound training. You get the latter with us. Our trainers teach you everything you need to know about road safety, car operation and driving fun. Safe and relaxed with DriveX. We take you further.
Simply register online now!

At DriveX: Theory block lessons
Complete your theory in a compact format within two weeks!
If you don't have time on individual dates, this is of course not a problem. You can simply choose dates for the block or another location.

You want to get your driver's license and are wondering whether you should opt for an automatic or a manual? You don't know what driving lessons to expect and what you should look out for? Open questions about automatic driving and how it differs from a classic manual transmission driving license are answered here.
Since 01.04.2021, driving license training in the car sector has changed fundamentally at DriveX - your
driving school.
From now on, you will complete the majority of your driving training (even the test) on an automatic vehicle and still learn to shift gears in a completely relaxed manner without exam stress during your driving training.
This makes the training much more relaxed and stress-free and best of all:
You won't get an automatic entry on your driver's license and can drive both manual and automatic vehicles.

Register here now!

The registration package includes the basic amount (519€), the DriveX Highlight learning package with e-learning software
and 6x 45 minute simulator units (226€),
‍The package price does not include the costs for
practice lessons (84€ per 45 minutes), the costs for the legally required
12 special drives (84€ per 45 minutes) and the costs for the theoretical
exam (95€ + TÜV fees) as well as the costs for the practical exam (249€ + TÜV fees).
As a rule, more than the booked 6 practice hours are incurred,
If more simulator units want to be booked optionally, each 45-minute unit costs €38.
The actual cost of obtaining a driving license
may vary. All prices include VAT. Driving lessons are calculated at 45 minutes.



Book now!


Prerequisites for your companions:

why we?

x Advantages with DriveX

Theory in seven, practice from 14 days.
Experienced trainers at eye level.
With driving simulator and e-learning program.
our own practice range.
If you have any questions: write us

we are

not satisfied till you are

"I was really nervous before the first ride. But my coach made it so I always felt safe."
Anna Lena, 18
"No hidden costs, everything completely transparent. Two thumbs up!" Andi, 19
"I got my driver's license much faster than my friend who got hers somewhere else."
Gordana, 18
"Super preparation for the exam! Thanks again."
Bernd, 44


as simple as that

Book your class b course online or with us on site.
Register now!
Apply for your driving licence at the driving licence office.
  • There you need:
  • The confirmation from your driving school.
    (Our driving school number: 10447)
  • Your identity card or passport.
  • A biometric passport photo.
  • A certificate of attendance of a first aid course.
  • Result of an optician's eye test (not older than 2 years).
take your 7-day theory course and finish it with the theory exam.
  • You must complete a total of 14x 90-minute theory lessons. With us, the lessons take place in 180-minute blocks.
  • 14x basic lessons
  • 2x car lessons
come to our house and get your license.
Here you learn all the basics about driving a car.
  • With us you will only take as many driving lessons as you actually need - that's a promise!
  • 5 x minutes overland drive
  • 4 x 45 minutes motorway journey
  • 3 x 45 minutes night drive
  • number of practice hours depending on your personal skills
Save yourself unnecessary waiting time and simply book an online appointment with the driving licence office in advance. That way you'll have your BF17 driving licence in your hands faster.
To the driving licence office
If you have any questions:
We are here for you
Write to us:


that makes how much?

To give you a feel for the price, we've calculated with our average number of hours from 2022 in this example:
Basic amount (expenditure of the driving school + theory intensive course):  
DriveX Highlight Package (e-learning + 6 x 45 min. simulator)
20 normal driving lessons (84€):
12 special trips required by law (84€):
A theory test:   
A practical exam:     
Work together:  
register now!

The registration package includes the basic amount (519€), the DriveX Highlight learning package with e-learning software
and 6x 45 minute simulator units (226€),
‍The package price does not include the costs for
practice lessons (84€ per 45 minutes), the costs for the legally required
12 special drives (84€ per 45 minutes) and the costs for the theoretical
exam (95€ + TÜV fees) as well as the costs for the practical exam (249€ + TÜV fees).
As a rule, more than the booked 6 practice hours are incurred,
If more simulator units want to be booked optionally, each 45-minute unit costs €38.
The actual cost of obtaining a driving license
may vary. All prices include VAT. Driving lessons are calculated at 45 minutes.


FAQ about the driving licence at 17

What are the requirements for accompanied driving?

In order to enjoy "accompanied driving", you must be at least 17 years old and have passed the theoretical and practical test. You will not yet receive a driving licence, but you will receive a so-called "test certificate", which you must show together with your identity card in the event of a traffic control. If you do not carry the documents with you, you will be fined 10 euros. The accompanying persons are also listed on the inspection certificate. One of these persons must accompany you on the passenger seat every time you drive. Important: You are not yet allowed to drive alone!

- at least 17 years old
- passed examinations (theory & practice)
- examination certificate as "driving licence"
- driving only with accompanying person

Who can I drive with when I get my 17-year-old driver's license?

If you have taken the car driving license at 17, you must always have an experienced accompanying person at your side, who is noted in the test certificate. You are therefore not allowed to drive with any adult who meets the requirements. The accompanying person must not be younger than 30 and must have held a Class B driver's license for more than five years (without a break). More than one point in Flensburg is considered an exclusion criterion. The number of accompanying persons you may name is not limited. As a rule, your parents or grandparents are eligible to accompany you. Alcohol is also taboo for those accompanying you in the passenger seat. A limit of 0.5 per mille applies here. No special training is required for the accompanying persons. By the way: driving without an escort is not a trivial offense, but a criminal offense that, in the worst case, can result in a prison sentence of up to one year. Fines, points in Flensburg and a revocation of the driver's license are also possible.

- accompanying persons at least 30 years old
- driving license in possession for five years (without a break)
- no points in Flensburg
- entry in the test certificate necessary
- no alcohol: 0.5 per mille as limit

When can I start driving at 17?

As soon as you are 16.5 years old, you can register with DriveX - your driving school to start your car license at 17. Our driving instructors will accompany you from this time on, so that you can soon start with the exams. Here, too, some deadlines apply: The theory test may be taken no earlier than three months before your 17th birthday. For the practical exam you even have to wait until one month before your 17th birthday. If you have already passed the tests before your birthday, you will only receive your test certificate on the day of your birthday.

- Registration at the driving school from 16.5 years
- Theory test: At the earliest three months before your 17th birthday
- Practical test: At the earliest one month before your 17th birthday
- Accompanied driving only from your 17th birthday

Can I drive abroad with my driving licence at 17?

The driving licence at 17 is valid throughout Germany, but not abroad.
There is, however, one exception: in Austria there is a comparable regulation, the so-called "early driving authorisation (L 17)", so that the test certificate is also recognised there. In other countries, however, such as Italy, France or Spain, you may only take the wheel from the age of 18.

- Valid only in Germany and Austria
- no permit in neighbouring European countries

What about the probationary period for a driver's license at 17?

The duration of the probationary period is not shortened by the driving licence at 17, so that you have to complete a "probationary period" of two years like all other novice drivers according to § 2a StVG. However, the probationary period begins when you receive your test certificate, so the period ends on your 19th birthday at the earliest. The only exception is if you have already obtained a Class A1 driving licence. In this case, the probationary period begins as soon as the A1 driving licence is issued. However, drivers aged 17 often benefit from the fact that they always have to drive under the radar of their escorts. This means that there are fewer administrative offences and criminal offences on the road.

- Two-year probationary period (§ 2a StVG) prescribed
- commences when the test certificate is handed out
- Exception: Class A1 driving licence previously acquired

How much does it cost to get a driver's license at 17?

The costs for a driving licence at 17 are basically comparable to the costs for a classic class B driving licence. However, you will have to pay a small amount more if you register your accompanying persons. You have to pay about 18 euros for the first accompanying person, and about 10 euros for each additional person. Although there is no limit to the number of accompanying persons, you should therefore think carefully about which accompanying person you really want to register.

- same costs as for the "normal" driving licence
- low additional costs for each accompanying person (10 to 18 euros)
- car insurances honour BF17 through lower premiums

What can I drive with a 17-year-old driver's license?

The 17-year-old car driving licence is a fully-fledged class B driving licence. This means that you can drive all vehicles and combinations of cars and trailers up to 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight. The class B driving licence also includes the classes AM and L, which may even be driven unaccompanied, because you have already reached the minimum age of 16.

- Full driving licence
- all cars and trailers up to 3.5 tonnes
- Class AM and L without an escort

Do I have to pay attention to the insurance when I get my driver's license at 17?

Before you drive with a companion for the first time, your parents should inform your car insurance company. For many tariffs, no increase is due, but an adjustment of the insurance premium is possible. On the other hand, your parents can save money as soon as you reach the age of 18. Depending on the insurance company, discounts are possible. This also applies if you get your own car at the age of 18 and insure it yourself.

- Insurance company must be informed
- Adjustment of premiums possible
- Savings potential after the 18th birthday

How long is the BF17 test certificate valid after the 18th birthday?

After your 18th birthday, you are still allowed to drive with your BF17 test certificate for a maximum of 3 months. After that, it loses its validity.

What are the advantages of getting a driver's license at 17?

Since 1 October 2005, "accompanied driving from 17" has been permitted in Germany. Why is that? Inexperience and an overconfident driving style are the cause of numerous accidents, as the statistics also show. Drivers between the ages of 18 and 24 are involved in around 20 percent of all traffic accidents with fatalities. For this reason, novice drivers should take advantage of the car license at 17 to gain valuable experience and thus reduce the risk of accidents. The past has shown that this plan works, so that "accompanied driving" has been part of the permanent law since 1 January 2011.

- reduced risk of road accidents
- ideal way to gain experience

Around the driving licence:

Experience independence by car. Whether with or without trailer.

Learn more
All about the motorcycle driving licence:

Discover the world on 2 wheels. Safe, comprehensive and with lots of fun.

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Driving licences for bus and truck.

Everything that professional drivers need. We'll take you further.

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Our range of seminars:

From point reduction to knowledge building. We are here for you!

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*10%discount on the basic amount - not combinable with other promotions and discounts.