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Red edition

DriveX Red Edition - The Women's Driving School

by women. for women.
Women still have to struggle with prejudices when it comes to driving. Although these prejudices are completely unjustified, this can already cause stress and even feelings of anxiety for women during driving licence training. With a driving school for women, these negative influences should not arise in the first place. Women should be prepared for driving in a relaxed atmosphere and be able to ask questions freely during the training.
With DriveX Red Edition, we have succeeded in creating a place where you can simply be yourself and immediately feel at ease.
With six female driving instructors, DriveX Red Edition has one of the largest teams of women in Germany.
Show your colours
As before, the number of women taking out driving licences is still behind men, although they are ahead in the overall population statistics. To focus on women and the importance of their mobility, we have decided to literally show our colours. With pink vehicles, we want to generate more attention for women's individual mobility in road traffic. Women are an important pillar of our society and must be mobile accordingly. They fulfil important tasks that can be done even more efficiently by being able to drive a vehicle themselves. Of course, having one's own driving licence contributes to being more independent and also opens up new professional opportunities. Therefore, we also want to set an example with the berry-coloured vehicles.

extensive training
The content of the training at the Women's Driving School does not differ from other driving training courses. Our offer includes all driving licence classes. Women also have the opportunity to acquire driving licences for trucks and buses, which may open up new career prospects for them. Many women already have a driving licence, but have often stopped driving for private reasons. We offer the opportunity to get back into driving without fear and stress. With the refresher courses, we offer women the opportunity to reacquaint themselves with the vehicle and to refresh their knowledge of how to move properly in road traffic. Even after years of not driving a vehicle, women can easily get back into driving.

fearless learning
One reason why even taking part in a course is a stress factor for many women is that they do not want to embarrass themselves in front of male participants. Again and again, questions arise for women, but they do not dare to ask them out of shame towards men. This can have a negative effect on them later on and possibly lead to them not passing the exam if they lack an understanding of essential parts that are also asked. To prevent this from happening in the first place, we offer courses for women only. In a protected environment, women can learn without fear and do not have to be afraid to ask questions if something is unclear to them. If questions arise, you can be sure that there are other course participants who have similar questions. Asking questions is therefore an important contribution to clearing up ambiguities and perhaps discussing topics in more detail.

care by women
Many women also feel more comfortable when they are supervised by women. Not only driving is male-dominated, but also the training in driving schools is predominantly done by men. Again, many women feel insecure here and also do not dare to ask questions if they are unclear. In addition, there are often religious reasons why women are not comfortable sitting in the vehicle with a male driving instructor during practical training. For this reason, we also offer supervision by female driving instructors. They not only have the technical skills, but often also know the fears that women have about vehicles and driving. These issues can be addressed in a targeted manner so that fears can be reduced and the women can act safely in road traffic after the training.

Safe driving
The aim of every driver training course is for graduates to be able to move safely in road traffic. They should no longer be afraid of traffic situations and be able to make the right decisions in difficult situations. Due to the adapted training for women, individual questions can be addressed. If there are problems with technical aspects, for example, these can be discussed again in peace during the practical lessons. This means that theoretical questions often become easier to understand when they are looked at and practised in practice. Take the step into self-employment today and register for the driving courses. Thanks to an individual and tailor-made training for women, you will soon be able to drive safely in traffic.

why we?

x Advantages with Drive X

Theory in seven, practice from 14 days
Experienced trainers at eye level
With driving simulator and e-learning program
Our own practice area
Theory test airbag (pay once, no matter how often you need it)
If you have any questions: Call us


goes contentedly:

"I was really nervous before the first ride. But my coach made me feel safe all the time."
Anna Lena, 18
"No hidden costs, all transparent. Two thumbs up!" Andi, 19.
"All done in 18 days."
"I got my license a lot faster than my girlfriend who got it somewhere else.
Gordana, 18
"The theory test airbag is a cool idea for anyone with exam nerves. Even though I didn't need it.
Bernd, 20


as simple as that

Book your training online or with us on site.
Register now!
Apply for your driving licence at the driving licence office.
  • There you need:
  • The confirmation from your driving school. (Our driving school number: 10447)
  • Your identity card or passport.
  • A biometric passport photo.
  • A certificate of attendance of a first aid course.
  • Result of an optician's eye test (not older than 2 years).
  • You must complete a total of 14x 90 minutes of theory classes. In our school, the lessons take place in 180 minute blocks.
  • 12 x 90 minutes basic lessons
  • 2 x 90 minutes car lessons
With us you will only take as many driving lessons as you actually need - that's a promise!
  • Here you will learn all the basics about driving and you can ask all the questions you can think of.

    12 special trips are required by law:
  • 5 x 45 minutes overland drive
  • 4 x 45 minutes motorway journey
  • 3 x 45 minutes night drive
DriveX Tip: Save yourself unnecessary waiting time and simply book an online appointment with the driving licence office in advance. That way, you'll have your Class B driver's license in your hands faster.
To the driving licence office

You can get help with your driver's license application here:
Driving licence application with DriveX
If you have any questions:
We are here for you



Basic fee (including theory intensive course):  
DriveX highlight learning package (e-learning, Drivers Cam and 6x simulator units):
Work together:                        

The registration package includes the basic amount (519€), the DriveX Highlight learning package with e-learning software
and 6x 45 minute simulator units (226€),
‍The package price does not include the costs for
practice lessons (84€ per 45 minutes), the costs for the legally required
12 special drives (84€ per 45 minutes) and the costs for the theoretical
exam (95€ + TÜV fees) as well as the costs for the practical exam (249€ + TÜV fees).
As a rule, more than the booked 6 practice hours are incurred,
If more simulator units want to be booked optionally, each 45-minute unit costs €38.
The actual cost of obtaining a driving license
may vary. All prices include VAT. Driving lessons are calculated at 45 minutes.

FAQ for driving licence class B

When can I start with the car driving licence?

The special regulation on accompanied driving from the age of 17 ( BF17) makes it possible for you to obtain your driving licence at the age of 17. This applies in any case to driving licences in categories B and BE. Young people can register at the earliest six months before they turn 17. However, there is also a prerequisite for you: Your parents (or legal guardians) must agree to your plan and support the application at the respective driving licence authority at least with a signature.
If you are already bursting with anticipation: You can take the theoretical driving test no earlier than three months before you turn 17, and the practical test no earlier than one month before your 17th birthday.

What about the probationary period for a driving licence?

When you have your driver's license, you will initially be issued your license on a probationary basis. Don't worry, this is a regular driving licence - but it is linked to special consequences after misconduct. This probationary period lasts for two years, but can also be extended in the event of misconduct. It starts at the same time as you receive your driving licence. Ultimately, however, you do not have to observe anything special during the probationary period, because you should always drive conscientiously and safely!

At what point does the car license go away?

Sure, you've probably heard of the "points in Flensburg". In the city in northern Germany, everything comes together in terms of misconduct of drivers. Generally speaking, the maximum number of points in Flensburg is 8. This means that your driving license will be revoked after this limit. However, a driving ban can be imposed even before that. If you get 2 or even 3 points because of a misconduct, then this is always connected with a driving ban - mostly for 1 to 3 months. The more you are guilty of, the longer the "rag" is gone.
Here it is different from sports or many games: You can well do without collecting points.

At what point does a driver's license go away on the highway?

A common misconduct is obvious: driving too fast. On German motorways in particular, people really step on the gas, which is why the question arises as to how much speeding they can do on these motorways without a driving licence. The question is quite clearly regulated: Out of town, the car license is gone from a speeding of 41 km / h. However, you can also lose your driving licence on the motorway if you don't keep enough distance - less than 3/10 of half the speed limit at over 100 km/h. If you drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, your licence will be gone for a long time anyway.

Car driving licence - what are you allowed to drive?

If you have a classic class B driving licence, then you are also allowed to drive some other vehicles in addition to the car. In any case, if their total mass does not exceed the weight of 3.5 tons. In addition, you may not have more than eight people in your luggage. With the class B you have the class L and M with you. This means that you are also allowed to drive a tractor and some work machines. You can also attach a trailer to your car. However, this must not weigh more than 750 kilograms.

How much does the car driving licence cost?

This depends on several factors - for example, your number of hours and whether you pass the exams the first time. In general, however, it can be said that a class B driving licence costs around 2700 to 3500 euros. This includes all costs for the driving licence and all driving lessons. Also the respective federal state makes a difference. Of course, the fewer driving lessons you need, the better. But of course you should be well prepared for the practical test. Therefore you should trust your driving instructor when you are ready.

What classes are there in the car driving licence?

A whole lot! The classic driving licence is class B, but there are a total of 17 different driving licence classes. So there are plenty of options and variety. We have summarised for you the classes with which you can extend your driving licence.

Driving licence classes for motorcycles (i.e. motorbikes etc.): AM, A1, A2 and A
Driving licence classes forcars: B, BF17, BE, B96
Driving licence classes fortrucks: C, CE, C1, C1E
Driving licence classes for buses: D, DE, D1, D1E

Which motorcycles are you allowed to drive with your car license?

Good news if you have a class B car licence: With this license you can also drive certain motorcycles. Officially, the licence covers "two-wheeled mopeds (class L1e-B), three-wheeled mopeds (class L2e) and four-wheeled light vehicles (class L6e)". In practice, this means that the motorcycles must not exceed a speed of 45 km/h, the combustion engine must not exceed 50 cc and the engine power must not exceed 5.5 hp. If you want to go faster, you have to get your own motorcycle licence.

Which scooters are you allowed to drive with a car license?

Practically the same answer as before for the motorcycles: Yes, you are allowed to drive scooters with the class B "rag". However, the restrictions that apply to motorcycles also apply here. You are allowed to drive mopeds, which include the vehicle class AM. These include so-called motorised two-wheelers - or more clearly: mopeds and scooters. However, these must not be able to travel faster than 45 km/h and have a maximum cubic capacity of 50 cc. If you want to go a bit faster, you can do so on your own. If you want a bit more, you will have to get an extra driver's license.

Which driving licence do you need for a quad bike?

In recent years, quads have been seen more and more often on German roads. The four-wheeled vehicles, which are a bit reminiscent of Mario Kart, are obviously not classic cars. But the good news is that you can still drive them with a class B car license. You can even drive a quad earlier if you take out an AM licence - this also covers quad biking. In this case, however, some restrictions must be observed, such as a maximum cubic capacity of 50 cc. One thing always applies when driving a quad: helmet on!

When does the driver's license need to be replaced?

As with an ID card, a driver's license is not valid for life. Of course, this does not mean that you have to renew it after a certain period of time - but rather that you have to go to the office to exchange it. Currently, the validity of a driving licence is limited to 15 years. When you have to exchange it for a more modern model is written on your "rag", which is no longer a rag, but rather reminds you of an identity card. There are clear graduations with the dates, so that not all German drivers run at the same time to the office.

Which driving licence do you need for motorhomes?

There is traditionally a lot of confusion on this subject, which has to do with the fact that the regulations have been changed and adapted again and again. What is clear is that the following driving licence classes play a role: B, B96, BE, C,C1, C1E and CE. With the driving licence class B you are allowed to drive motorhomes, but they must not be heavier than 3.5 tons. If you want to drive heavier motorhomes, then you need the class C - and up. For these the limit is 7.5 tons. However, there is no separate driving licence for motorhomes.

What kind of driver's license can you get at 15?

Can't wait to get your driver's license? You may not have to wait much longer, because you can get your first driver's license at the age of 15. This is the classic moped driving licence. It allows you to drive a scooter or a moped with a seat for only one person. And there is another restriction: Your moped or scooter must not be allowed to go faster than 25 km/h. But that's not bad for a first taste of road traffic.

What kind of driver's license can you get at 16?

All teenagers look forward to their 16th birthday, because then they are allowed to do some things that are unthinkable before. You can also look forward to your driving licence, because at the age of 16 you are allowed to get a class A1 driving licence. This allows you to drive so-called light motorcycles, which are however - of course - subject to some restrictions. For one thing, the engine capacity must not exceed 125 cc and the power must not exceed 11 kW. In addition, you may drive scooters that have a maximum speed of 45 km / h. By the way, when you obtain this driving licence, the two-year probationary period also begins immediately.

What kind of driver's license can you get at 17?

From the age of 17, things really get going, because then you can get your first driving licence. At this age, however, "accompanied driving from 17 (BF17)" still plays a role. For each of your journeys, there must be an accompanying person in the passenger seat who is at least 30 years old and has had a driving licence for at least five years. You can start taking your class B driving test six months before your 17th birthday, so that you can be ready in time for your 17th birthday. You will then receive an examination certificate - not yet a normal driving licence. This will only be handed over to you on your 18th birthday.

How many compulsory hours are required for a driving licence?

If you're in driving school, then you probably can't wait to finally drive yourself around on the roads of this world. So the question is: How many driving lessons do you need before you can take the test? This question can't be answered for everyone, as it depends on your level of ability, your individual skills and how regularly you take the lessons. On average, learner drivers need about 30 driving lessons - that is 15 double lessons. There are also some compulsory lessons that you need in any case. These include a total of 12 special hours:
5x intercity driving, 4x motorway, 3x at night.

How many questions are asked on the car driving theory test?

Before you are allowed to take the practical exam, you must have completed the theory exam - and successfully. You will be asked a number of questions, which you must answer in multiple choice style. This is very reminiscent of school, which is why you also have to go to school in preparation - in this case, the driving school bench - so that you are well prepared for the exam and don't have to take it again. In preparation for the theoretical driving test, you will go through a catalogue of questions, which usually includes around 1600 questions. About two thirds of this basic and additional material is relevant for the theory test for driving licence class B.

How many theory lessons do I have to do?

When preparing for the theory test for driving licence class B, the question naturally arises as to how many theory hours you will need. Since about 1000 questions are relevant for the theory test in the preparation, the task field is quite complex. The good news is, however, that many questions have similar solutions and, above all, a similar structure. The fact is that the theory lessons in combination with the practical driving lessons are very important - because there the foundation is laid for you to really concentrate on driving. Therefore, it is advisable to do the theory lessons before the driving lessons. Twelve theory hours are compulsory, then you can take the test. With our e-learning software you will be optimally prepared for your theory test.

Around the driving licence:

Experience independence by car. Whether with or without trailer.

Learn more
All about the motorcycle driving licence:

Discover the world on 2 wheels. Safe, comprehensive and with lots of fun.

Learn more
Driving licences for bus and truck.

Everything that professional drivers need. We'll take you further.

Learn more
Our range of seminars:

From point reduction to knowledge building. We are here for you!

Learn more
*10%discount on the basic amount - not combinable with other promotions and discounts.